Intro to Plants

Plant 1

Plant 1 is the largest production plant of Yeochun NCC. It consists of seven plants: ethylene plant 1,
aromatic plant 1, BD plant, SM plant, MTBE plant, OCU plant, isobutane plant and a main building,
steam/water facility, product storage facility, fire department.

The Gross Area
Total Number of Subsidiary Plants

The main products(annual production capacity)

  • Ethylene 900,000 tons
  • Propylene 591,000 tons
  • Mixed C4 270,000 tons
  • Benzen 160,000 tons
  • Toluene 230,000 tons
  • Xylene 160,000 tons
  • SM 290,000 tons
  • Butadiene 240,000 tons
  • MTBE 170,000 tons
  • Butene-1 65,000 tons